I have a Calendar table with the following structure:
CalendarID nvarchar(13)
Date date
Time time(7)
with data such as:
Formatting the time column as hhmm
SELECT [CalendarID]
, FORMAT([Date], 'ddd, MMM dd, yyyy') AS [DATE]
, FORMAT([Time], 'hhmm') AS [Time]
FROM [dbo].[Calendar]
But formatting as hh:mm
does not work and displays NULL
SELECT [CalendarID]
, FORMAT([Date], 'ddd, MMM dd, yyyy') AS [DATE]
, FORMAT([Time], 'hh:mm') AS [Time]
FROM [dbo].[Calendar]
How can I format it as hh:mm
FORMAT relies upon CLR formatting rules, which dictate that colons and periods must be escaped. Therefore, when the format string (second parameter) contains a colon or period, the colon or period must be escaped with backslash when an input value (first parameter) is of the time data type.
This should work:
SELECT FORMAT(CAST('09:00:00.1234567' AS TIME(7)), 'hh\:mm') -- 09:00
SELECT FORMAT(CAST('09:00:00.1234567' AS TIME(7)), 'hh\:mm\:ss\.fffffff') -- 09:00:00.1234567