When creating a POST call to create an inbox rule for a shared inbox, I follow the Docs explicitly, but I continue to get Permission errors. I have been using the Graph Explorer to test my code.
I am the Org Admin, I have verified I have the recommended permission: MailboxSettings.ReadWrite assigned, but still no luck.
I've walked through the documentation with no success. I can see my own inbox's rules, but cannot see (or post) to anyone else's.
POST /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/inbox/messageRules
Content-type: application/json
"displayName": "[Client Name]",
"sequence": 1,
"isEnabled": true,
"conditions": { "subjectContains": [ "[Client Name]" ] },
"actions": { "moveToFolder": "[folder ID]", "stopProcessingRules": true}
Expected: A rule is created that looks at the subject line of incoming message in shared inbox. If it finds a [Client Name], it will move it to the corresponding sub folder ([folder ID]).
My permission is denied everytime I submit the call.
I think it's just a bug. Have a look at this similar problem description.