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How do I script DB2 commands in z/OS?

After 25 years of using DB2 on midrange systems (AS/400, IBM i, etc), I’m now being tasked with being a database administrator for DB2 on the mainframe (z/OS). I apologize for the “rookie questions” here, but I’m still getting my head around the mainframe.

Currently, every morning, I manually check the status of several tablespaces using the DISPLAY command in the “DB2 Commands” screen:


Cmd 1       ===>       -DISPLAY DB(DN*) SPACENAM(*) USE LOCKS LIMIT(*)
Cmd 2       ===>       -DISPLAY DB(DP*) SPACENAM(*) USE LOCKS LIMIT(*)

This displays several pages of output on the screen, pausing after each screen-full. If any tablespaces are in an invalid status, I can do something about it.

Ultimately, I’d like to issue several of these DISPLAY statements, directing the output to an output dataset. Then, I can either inspect that dataset manually or possibly write a program to parse the output dataset and report (or fix) any anomalies.

This is probably super easy for all you mainframe DB2 DBA’s, but how do I script these commands? Do I use REXX? If so, how?

Thanks for your help!



  • The easiest way would be to run the commands under the TSO terminal control program as a batch job.

    This could look something like this (JOB-card omitted):

     //DISDB    EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20                          
     //STEPLIB   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DB2.DSNLOAD                           
     //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                            
     //SYSTSPRT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=YOUR.OUTPUT.DATASET                                            
     //SYSTSIN  DD *                                                   
       DSN SYSTEM(DBSYS)                                                
       -DISPLAY DB(DN*) SPACENAM(*) USE LOCKS LIMIT(*)                                                  
       -DISPLAY DB(DP*) SPACENAM(*) USE LOCKS LIMIT(*)                 

    The only thing is that SYSTSPRT will contain a mix of your input-commands, the resulting output and a bit of other clutter but it is basically zero effort to implement.