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On AMP pages should amp-carousel elements have a lightbox attribute or not?

I'm getting different conflicting AMP validation messages..

When I add a lightbox attribute to an amp-carousel element I get the following validation message.

The attribute 'lightbox' may not appear in tag 'amp-carousel'

But if I remove it, I get the following validation message..

The mandatory attribute 'lightbox' is missing in tag 'AMP-CAROUSEL. [lightbox]'

It feels like the AMP validator can't make up its mind.

I'm using this url.

on the following validator..


  • You have missed amp-lightbox-gallery-0.1.js to add in header

    <script async custom-element="amp-lightbox-gallery" src=""></script>

    After adding js screen shot

    enter image description here


    enter image description here