I have an issue in html template. I want to call a function and pass a param to function. This param is a property in component class. How could I bind this property in function call. I have tried different options but could not get success.
<input type="button" class='Button' value='Back'
(click)="showGrid('{{"./app/setup/" + url}}')" />
<input type="button" class='Button' value='Back'
(click)="showGrid('./app/setup/ + {{url}}')" />
Using Getter in component.
get myUrl = function(){ return "./app/setup/" + ${this.Url} }
In html,
<input type="button" class='Button' value='Back'
(click)="showGrid('{{myUrl}}')" />
How could I bind the property in function call. Please suggest.
Its always a good idea to have these literals as const
. Never hardcode these values in view (html).
Use below approach.
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app',
templateUrl: 'app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
appUrls = APP_URLS;
constructor() { }
showGrid(url) {
// to-do
export const APP_URLS = {
'BASEURL': '/something',
'URL1': `./app/setup/${this.BASEURL}`,
<input type="button" class='Button' value='Back' (click)="showGrid(appUrls.URL1)" />