In the following code:
function sherlockAndAnagrams(s) {
var pairs = 0;
var subStrings = {};
//find all substrings of our string, count them in a hash
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
for(var j = i; j < s.length; j++){
let tempSubString = s.substring(i, j+1).split("").sort().join("");
subStrings[tempSubString] +=1;
subStrings[tempSubString] = 1;
for(var keys in subStrings){
if(subStrings[keys] > 1){
let temp = (subStrings[keys])*(subStrings[keys]-1)/2;
pairs += temp;
return pairs;
I am unsure how the math behind this formula works:
Assuming s = "kkkk", there would be 6 anagrams of "k"s
Can someone please explain this?
In addition, this kind of tells me that I may be a bit short on certain type of math. If you could advise me a good material to study for figuring out math like this I'd appreciate it!
The logic is following: you have n
words that are anagrams of each other. How many pairs of anagrams can you select from there? This is a simple combinatoric question with a known answer: binominal coefficient of (n,2)
which is n*(n-1)/2
The logic is that if you count all anagrams, the first anagram you can select in n
ways, the second in n-1
ways but each anagram will be considered twice: once as ab=ba
and another time as ba=ab