I'm trying to connect to a SQL Anywhere 10 database using an ODBC connection in C#. This connects fine with all the default parameters, but whenever I try to specify a port or IP address, it looks like it's completely ignored
My connection string is:
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};uid=username;pwd=password;
Which works when connecting to the first database listed. I want to connect to the second database running on the computer, which is on a different port. I have tried:
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};uid=username;pwd=password;port=1234;
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};uid=username;pwd=password;LINKs=tcpip(host=
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};uid=username;pwd=password;DataSource=localhost:1234;
None of these have changed the connection at all, or even failed to connect
What is the correct string to use to specify port?
Or what other method can I use other than a System.Data.ODBC.ODBCConnection
to connect where I can specify a port?
It looks like you're just making up connection attributes to try in the string...
Try looking at documentation for the driver you're using --
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};UID=<user name>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EngineName=<database engine name>;AutoStop=YES;Integrated=NO;EncryptedPassword=3ff6c3114e;Debug=NO;DisableMultiRowFetch=NO;CommLinks='TCPIP{HOST=<database server name>;PORT=<port number for remote connections>}';Compress=NO
Most of those attributes are optional, so here's a reduced string that may work for you --
Driver={SQL Anywhere 10};UID=username;PWD=password;CommLinks='TCPIP{HOST=localhost;PORT=1234}'