I was doing an import of a database (schema) from a previous version (Oracle 10g express editon) to a more recent version (Oracle 11g express edition) in Oracle from a .dmp
file (I did not export, I was only responsible for make the import into the new environment), the way to do it I consulted in a previous forum and I managed to import using imp
, I could not use the impdp
because the export was not done with the expdp
Well, once the restoration was done what I needed most was to restore all the objects in another tablespace, for that I had previously created a user, a tablespace associated with that user and naturally a datafile associated with that tablespace. But all the objects had been restored within the system tablespace (USERS
), since in the source database these are in that tablespace.
The instruction that I used and thought would help me was the following:
imp my_user/password@XE FILE=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\admin\XE\dpdump\my_file.dmp FROMUSER=my_user TOUSER=my_user
However, even though I tried to change the user (FR0MUSER
), the data is still restored in the USERS
tablespace and also in SYSTEM
I guess the only way to solve this is to export again. I have three options: The exp
, expdp
and the RMAN
. Although I am not sure that these help me alone to change or modify the destination tablespace.
Any reference would be very helpful.
To clarify, you have already completed an import and the data has been loaded into the database, however, the imported objects were loaded into the Users and System tablespaces, rather than the tablespace you created for them, correct?
There are a number of ways to do this, such as using the DBMS_REDEFINITION package or issuing commands like ALTER TABLE [SCHEMA].[TABLE] MOVE TABLESPACE [NEW TABLESPACE]
, however that can be extremely tedious, and may present problems if the database is in use. You would have to rebuild the indexes, and you would also have to move the lob files.
I would recommend using data pump (EXPDP
) to create a new export of the schema, then remap the tablespaces while re-importing it into the database. Your steps would follow this general outline:
expdp [user]/[pass] SCHEMAS=[SCHEMA] DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=Export.dmp LOGFILE=export.log
, where [SCHEMA] is the name of the schema that you want to remap. You can use any directory, dumpfile, and logfile name you want - this is just an example. DROP USER [SCHEMA] CASCADE;
, where [TABLESPACE] is the tablespace you created for the schema. Assuming all goes well, the schema will be re-imported into the database, and the objects of that schema that were originally mapped to the USERS
tablespaces will be remapped to your [TABLESPACE]