Basically, when I enter the temperature and if the value was more 60 and less than 0, it should say that the code is invalid and please type it again, until it gets a value between 1 and 59. But for my code, the while loop is like completely ignored... Why is that?
# TASK 1:
midDayTemp = float()
midNightTemp = float()
midDayList = []
midNightList = []
for day in range (3):
print ("Day:", day + 1)
midDayTemp = float(input("Please enter your Mid-Day temperature\n"))
while midDayTemp >= 60 and midDayTemp <= 0:
midDayTemp = input("Invalid, please re-enter your temperature\n")
midNightTemp = float(input("Please enter your Mid-Night temperature\n"))
while midNightTemp >= 60 and midNightTemp <= 0:
midNightTemp = input("Invalid, please re-enter your temperature\n")
# TASK 2:
print("Mid-Day readings are ",midDayList)
midDayAverage = sum(midDayList) / len(midDayList)
print ("The average is ", midDayAverage)
print("Mid-Night readings are ",midNightList)
midNightAverage = sum(midNightList) / len(midNightList)
print ("The average is ", midNightAverage)
# TASK 3:
minValueMidDay = min(midDayList)
print ("The lowest temperature of the Mid-Day is", minValueMidDay )
maxValueMidDay = max(midDayList)
print ("The highest temperature of the Mid-Day is", maxValueMidDay )
minValueMidNight = min(midNightList)
print ("The lowest temperature of the Mid-Night is", minValueMidNight )
maxValueMidNight = max(midNightList)
print ("The highest temperature of the Mid-Night is", maxValueMidNight )
print ("Thank you for using my code!")
Thank you
That is because there is no number that is both greater than or equal to 60 and smaller or equal to zero.
You must change the and for a or.
while midDayTemp >= 60 or midDayTemp <= 0: