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my object::collides(object * o) function always returns true, but doesn't do anything

I have a function that returns a boolean. this function when compiled seems to contain nothing, and will always return true while also skipping over all the calls to cout or cin that i put in it. to see what it's actually doing. What is going on and how do i fix this issue.

In my process of troubleshooting, i have,

  • used GDB with a breakpoint at object::collides, this resulted in the function being called but not outputting anything to the console
  • Numbered my objects to and compared what objects the program thinks are colliding to the objects that are colliding. if it passes the proximity test, the program thinks the objects are colliding, evidence that it is always returning true.
  • tried various other methods to try to figure out what is going on, but all have left my without answers

in object.cpp:

bool object::collides(object * other)
   std::vector<point> a_pnt = getBounds();
   std::vector<point> b_pnt = other->getBounds();
   for (int i = 0; i < a_pnt.size(); i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < b_pnt.size(); j++)
          point v1 = a_pnt[i];
          point v2 = a_pnt[(i+1)%a_pnt.size()];
          point v3 = b_pnt[j];
          //edit: fixed typo
          point v4 = b_pnt[(j+1)%b_pnt.size()];

          double num_1 = ((v3.x - v1.x) * -(v4.y - v3.y)) - (-(v4.x - v3.x) * (v3.y - v1.y));
          double num_2 = ((v2.x - v1.x) * (v3.y - v1.y)) - ((v3.x - v1.x) * (v2.y - v1.y));
          double den =((v2.x - v1.x) * -(v4.y - v3.y)) - (-(v4.x - v3.x) * (v2.y - v1.y));
          double frac_1 = num_1 / den;
          double frac_2 = num_2 / den;

          //debug code start
          std::cout << num_1 << "/" << den << "=" << frac_1 << std::endl;
          std::cout << num_2 << "/" << den << "=" << frac_2 << std::endl;
          std::cout << (frac_1 > 0.0) << " " << (frac_1 < 1.0) << " " << (frac_2 > 0.0) << " " << (frac_2 < 1.0) << std::endl;
          std::cout << std::endl;

          std::string hahah;
          std::cin >> hahah;
          //end debug code

          //edit: fixed conditional
             return true;
   //edit: fixed conditional
   return false;

in mode.cpp in function mode::step():

for (int i = 0; i<onScreen.size(); i++)

    object * o1 = onScreen[i];
    for(int j = i+1; j<onScreen.size(); j++)
        object * o2 = onScreen[j];

            std::cout << "Checking collisions for objects " << i << " and " << j << std::endl;

                 std::cout << "somthing collided\n";



Checking for Collisions

Checking collisions for objects 0 and 11
somthing collided
Checking collisions for objects 1 and 8
somthing collided
Checking collisions for objects 1 and 18
somthing collided
Checking collisions for objects 1 and 26
somthing collided

Expected results is for the "collides" function to output to the screen or request the input for that string, this will show that it is actually going through that section of code properly. however it doesn't do this. the "collides" function returns true regardless of whether or not the actual intersect section is true or false, while skipping over all of my debug code, as shown in the output.


  • fixed the return in collides
  • fixed a typo
  • still doesn't work.
  • does go thought loops with bullet/bullet combinations not bullet/asteroid or asteroid/asteroid

  • checking getBounds has me scratching my head...

    std::vector asteroid::getBounds() { //my issue was here, check your functions a bit more closely :P //wasn't returning a vector with anything in it. std::vector t; //now it's std::vector t = lyrs[0].pnts;

    for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++)
        double x = t[i].x+location.x;
        double y = t[i].y+location.y;
        t[i] = point{x, y, t[i].z};
    return t;


  • i thought that was implemented properly


  • So my issue was simple, and a bit of a "doh" moment. First the unrealtated issue I had to fix, was a return true, regardless of whether or not my math was actually done correctly, but as this section wasn't being hit, this wasn't the real issue. Thanks for those that noticed it anyway.

    Issue one (no if on return true):

    In collides.cpp

    for (int i = 0; i < a_pnt.size(); i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < b_pnt.size(); j++)
           return true;

    Fixed to:

    for (int i = 0; i < a_pnt.size(); i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < b_pnt.size(); j++)
             return true;

    The second issue, and the main one, after a suggestion from a commenter, his name is up in the question above, I double checked my getter for the bounding boxes. Low and behold, that was my issue. While at first I discounted his advice, because I thought I had fully implemented that getter, it was my issue and learning valuable lessons is always a good thing.

    Issue two(incomplete implementation of GetBounds, resulted in empty vector getting returned.):

    in asteroids.cpp:

    std::vector asteroid::getBounds() 
        //my issue was here, check your functions a bit more closely :P 
        //wasn't returning a vector with anything in it. 
        std::vector<point> t; 
        //now it's 
        std::vector<point> t = lyrs[0].pnts;
        for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++)
           double x = t[i].x+location.x;
           double y = t[i].y+location.y;
           t[i] = point{x, y, t[i].z};
    return t;

    Lesson to learn: Even when you think you have everything working correctly there are times when you don't and you should check and double check EVERY function you are calling just incase one of those functions you think is working isn't actually working as it should.