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Is there a way to read the parameter store secure variables inside the ECS JSON environment sections based on FARGATE

I am setting up ECS Services to launch my application which speaks to the RDS Database server. I need to pass the Database access properties such as username, password, dbname etc to the application codes running in the FARGATE instances. So to pass them i have created these parameters in the parameter store, but i need to find a way to get them from the parameter store and pass it to the ECS task definitons env variable properties?

In the ECS Task definitions, i have tried to modify the JSON file environment property with the parameters such as "name: and "valueFrom", but seems that the "valueFrom:" is not being accepted in the JSON file, it pops out an error saying "Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined"

        "environment": [
                "name": "POSTGRES_DB",
                "valueFrom": "PROD_POSTGRES_DB"

I expect that the POSTGRES_DB parameter reads the values from the PROD_POSTGRES_DB defined in parameter store of AWS


  • When you use SSM Parameter Store in ECS Task Definition for the valueFrom environment variables, it creates separate secrets section under containerDefinitions. So, it will look like below.

    "containerDefinitions": [
            "secrets": [
                    "name": "POSTGRES_DB",
                    "valueFrom": "PROD_POSTGRES_DB"
            "environment": [
                    "valueFrom": "myKey",
                    "name": "myValue"

    For the normal value environment variables, it will be usual environment json array.

    Note -

    1. When you use SSM Parameter Store, you have to make sure Task Execution Role has necessary SSM Permissions attached to role. Reference -
    2. Also, try to provide full SSM Parameter ARN if your ECS region is different from SSM region.