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Is it possible to specify new local git repository location for existing config?

By default, I typically run git init and have the local repository in the root directory. I store and work with my project files on a small-ish SSD but have a BIG ol' SATA HD on the same machine not doing much. I was thinking I should get into the practice of using it for the actual repositories for each project.

By this I mean I have the directory structure:

SMALL-DRIVE > My Project > .git > repository files...
SMALL-DRIVE > My Project > src > dev files...

and while I'd like the keep the 2nd one as is, I want to move the 1st one to

BIG-DRIVE > repositories > My Project > .git > repository files... (or something similar)

Everything is staying on the same machine and there would be no change to the remote repository that I push to.

I believe I can pass git init this new path for new projects (pretty sure I can figure that out on my own), but is there a way to update an existing config to use the new path? And if so, is there a command that will move the current files in the repository or would I just manually move the .git directory?


  • [...] is there a way to update an existing config to use the new path?

    If I understand your question correctly, you currently have a repo on a small but fast HD, and you'd like to

    • move the repo's .git directory to a big & slow HD,
    • yet keep the repo's working tree on the small & fast HD.

    Am I right?

    In that case, git init --separate-git-dir is right up your alley. Quoting git init's man page:

    --separate-git-dir=<git dir> Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either $GIT_DIR or ./.git/, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository. This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository.

    If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path.

    So, simply cd to your repo, and then run

    git init --separate-git-dir <desired-location-on-big-and-slow-drive>

    I believe I can pass git init this new path for new projects [...]

    Correct. Use the same command as above.