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Cant install RabbitMQ on Fedora fc12

I was following the steps from

The errors I get are: 1.required erlang version >=R16B03, but the one I installed on my fc12 is R13 which somehow refuses to upgrade and says it is the latest version and there is nothing to upgrade.

Check this image: rpm package successfully downloaded

But, when I try to install the package it says,

No package rabbitmq-server-3.6.9-1.e16.noarch.rpm available.

So, how do I install the required version of erlang?

Also,why does it say that the package is unavailable even though it was successfully downloaded?

Thank You for any help.


  • Both that Erlang version and RabbitMQ version are old and out of support. You should read the RabbitMQ team's instructions (link) on how to install on RPM-based distributions.