i want to start my python project through a cmd window with different configurations, e.g the function that need different parameter:
download.rawData.download(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime)
the starttime and endtime values are from a configfile: (config1.cfg)
What is the best way to start the project from the cmd like:
Python3 project.py --config1 //for time X
Python3 project.py --config2 //for time Y
...and so on, of course there are different start and endtimes declared in the config file
The goal is that the configurations for the start- and endtime are not hard-coded in the main project.
What I tried until now:
commandLineArgumentParser: ArgumentParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
commandLineArgumentParser.add_argument("-config1", "--config1", help="Config file 1")
commandLineArgumentParser.add_argument("-config2", "--config2", help="Config file2")
commandLineArguments = commandLineArgumentParser.parse_args()
config1= commandLineArguments.odessa
starttime = config['Parameter']['starttime']
endtime = config['Parameter']['endtime']
But this didn´t work Anyone has an idea?
Thanks a lot!
You wouldn't need to run the script multiple times for each parameter. Simply use the configparser module to parse your config file, which you specify on the command line (via the argparse module):
import argparse
import configparser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('config', help="Config file to parse")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.sections() # Returns ['Parameter']
start = config['Parameter']['starttime']
end = config['Parameter']['endtime']