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What is the simplest way to do "SELECT TOP 5" for multiple parameters?

I'm trying to build a new database in LibreOffice Base / HSQLDB which supposedly supports standard SQL, but probably not quite as widely as SQL-server or Oracle.

I've got a table of scores, where the participant is a member of one of a list of clubs. I need to generate "Team Scores" where the teams are dynamic, namely they consist of the top 5 scores from each club.

The closest I have been able to achieve so far is:

SELECT "Score", "ShootRecords"."ClubID" FROM  "ShootRecords" WHERE "ShootRecords"."ClubID" = 0


SELECT "Score", "ShootRecords"."ClubID" FROM  "ShootRecords" WHERE "ShootRecords"."ClubID" = 1


If I add a TOP 5 qualifier to the start of each sub-query, it reports as invalid SQL. If I move the ORDER BY clause into the sub-query, again it reports as invalid SQL, but each sub-query needs to be sorted that way, and restricted to TOP 5 or the results are wrong.

I've also looked at doing sub-queries like so:


FROM   "Clubs"

WHERE  "Clubs"."ClubID" IN

   (SELECT "ClubID"

    FROM "Clubs", "ShootRecords"

    WHERE "Clubs"."ClubID" = "ShootRecords"."ClubID"

but again the ordering and sub-setting is done in the wrong order, or isn't valid.

What I am hoping to see would look something like:

Score     ClubID
300        0
299        0
280        0
200        0
190        0
310        1
290        1
277        1



  • To make your own query work, you'd want an ORDER BY (and LIMIT) clause per partial query. In order to do so, use parentheses:

      SELECT Score, ClubID 
      FROM ShootRecords 
      WHERE ShootRecords.ClubID = 0
      ORDER BY Score DESC
      LIMIT 5
      SELECT Score, ClubID 
      FROM ShootRecords 
      WHERE ShootRecords.ClubID = 1
      ORDER BY Score DESC
      LIMIT 5
    ORDER BY ClubID, Score DESC;

    It's UNION ALL by the way. UNION [DISTINCT] is a special form of union that removes duplicates.