Say we have this toy example:
prueba <- data.table(aa=1:7,bb=c(1,2,NA, NA, 3,1,1),
cc=c(1,2,NA, NA, 3,1,1) , YEAR=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2))
aa bb cc YEAR
1: 1 1 1 1
2: 2 2 2 1
3: 3 NA NA 1
4: 4 NA NA 2
5: 5 3 3 2
6: 6 1 1 2
7: 7 1 1 2
I want to create a table with the values of something by YEAR. In this simple example I will just ask for the table that says how many missing and non-missing I have.
This is an ugly way to do it, specifying everything by hand:
prueba[,.(sum(,sum(!, by=YEAR]
Though it doesn't label automatically the new columns we see it says I have 2 missings and 7 non-missing values for year 1, and ...
1: 1 2 7
2: 2 2 10
It works but what I would really like is to be able to use table() or some data.table equivalent command instead of specifying by hand every term. That would be much more efficient if I have many of them or if we don't know them beforehand.
I've tried with:
prueba[,table(, by=YEAR]
but it doesn't work, I get this:
1: 1 7
2: 1 2
3: 2 10
4: 2 2
How can I get the same format than above?
I've unluckily tried by using as.datable, unlist, lapply, and other things. I think some people use dcast but I don't know how to use it here.
Is there a simple way to do it?
My real table is very large.
Is it better to use the names of the columns instead of .SD?
You can convert the table to a list if you want it as two separate columns
prueba[, as.list(table(, by=YEAR]
# 1: 1 7 2
# 2: 2 10 2
I suggest not using TRUE
as column names though.
prueba[, setNames(as.list(table(, c('notNA', 'isNA'))
, by = YEAR]
# YEAR notNA isNA
# 1: 1 7 2
# 2: 2 10 2
Another option is to add a new column and then dcast
na_summ <- prueba[, table(, by = YEAR]
na_summ[, vname := c('notNA', 'isNA'), YEAR]
dcast(na_summ, YEAR ~ vname, value.var = 'V1')
# YEAR isNA notNA
# 1: 1 2 7
# 2: 2 2 10