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How to create array of multiple objects from object that represents objects

I want to converts: {port:{0: 23, 1: 22},protocol:{0: "http",1:' "https"}}

to: [{port: 23, protocol: 'http' },{port: 22, protocol: 'https' }]

I already wrote function to do it manually.

Is there any lodash function that does that? or manipulate an existing function to get the desired result?


  • There isn't a single lodash function that does that, but you can create a function via _.flow() to get the desired result.

    You can convert the object to an array of arrays that contain the label and values, _.unzip() to transpose, and then map to objects using _.zipObject():

    const obj = { port: {0: 23, 1: 22}, protocol: {0: "http",1: "https"} };
    const fn = _.flow([
      o =>, (v, k) => [k, ..._.values(v)]), // convert to an array of label, ...values
      _.unzip, // transpose
      ([labels, ...values]) =>, v => _.zipObject(labels, v)) // create the ojects
    const result = fn(obj);
    <script src=""></script>