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Parse Server data not shared between app and today extension

I'm using a parse server for delivering news and calendar information to iOS and Android apps. (Therefore I don't need any user accounts.)
I followed the instructions on the parse site ( to enable data sharing but the data doesn't get shared. I have to download the information in the app and the today extension.

Here is the code I use to initialize the parse SDK:

+ (void)establishConnectionForExtension:(BOOL)extension {
    // enable app groups
    if (extension) [Parse enableDataSharingWithApplicationGroupIdentifier:@"" containingApplication:@""];
    else [Parse enableDataSharingWithApplicationGroupIdentifier:@""];

    // initialize parse
    [Parse initializeWithConfiguration:[ParseClientConfiguration configurationWithBlock:^(id<ParseMutableClientConfiguration>  _Nonnull configuration) {
        configuration.applicationId = PARSE_ID;
        configuration.clientKey = PARSE_KEY;
        configuration.server = @"https://";
        configuration.localDatastoreEnabled = YES;


  • I found the solution:

    + (void)establishConnectionForExtension:(BOOL)extension {
        [Parse initializeWithConfiguration:[ParseClientConfiguration configurationWithBlock:^(id<ParseMutableClientConfiguration>  _Nonnull configuration) {
            configuration.applicationGroupIdentifier = @"";
            configuration.applicationId = PARSE_ID;
            configuration.clientKey = PARSE_KEY;
            configuration.localDatastoreEnabled = YES;
            configuration.server = @"https://";
            if (extension) configuration.containingApplicationBundleIdentifier = @"";

    It would be great to find this in the official Parse documentation... (I needed three days to to get this working.)