I try to use the psexec program via command line to run program on another pc connected to my local network. What i try to accomplish?:
I want to code a program that lets user send links ( to ebay auction e.g. ) to chosen pc from local network, for that i want to use psexec as a main component.
What is my problem?:
When i try to dry use psexec ( e.g. psexec \\another-pc cmd
) i got acces denied every time i try this ( no matter what machine is target ).
What i tried?: So far i tried to fetch login credentials in command line:
psexec \\some-pc -u someuser -p password cmd
I also tried to disable UAC on target PC with this line:
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
I think i could do that easily if i knew a passwod for -p part, but none of my pcs have passwords set, all default users are admins,
My question is, does windows set any default password for local network acces like masterkey or smth ?
I'm a bit confused on what shall i do next. If anyone know what should i do to overcome this obstacle i would be gratefull.
To use psexec remotely you should be an admin on a remote PC. And since Windows does not allow remote connections for admins with an empty password so you'll either need to set a password for your admin user or create a new user.
BTW your question is more suitable for superuser, not stackoverflow.