I don't even know if this is a valid question but I am having a hard time converting the API result to POJO since some key are dynamic.
"data": [{
"something_edit": true
"test_null": false
"success": true
As you can see the key inside data are dynamic. I tried using jsonschema2pojo or other converter but it is declaring a named variable which is not a good result. BTW I am using retrofit and GSON library
So here is the flow, so the keys are the ones I asked on the API. So for Example I asked something_edit1, something_edit2 and something_edit3. The data result will be.
"data": [{
"something_edit1": true
}, {
"something_edit2": false
"something_edit3": false
"success": true
You can use Json Object
or Generics
for your condition.
Using Json Object you can check, if key is exist in your json.
// do your work here
Using Generic you have to check, if your Pojo have instance of the Pojo.
if(YourMainPOJO instanceOf YourChildPojo){
// do your work here
Try to view only Generic part in this link.