- id: "1234"
- name: "John"
- title: "Programmer"
- personList:[{
- personId: "1234"
- personName: "John"
... another person
In short, I want to run this simple query:{"include":"jobs"}
So I can link the Person model to Jobs model and simply get all the person jobs too.
Normally, you would do that with a hasMany relation, but how to achieve that if its an array of objects?
You can use the below aggregation pipeline to $lookup
jobs collection and return the matching jobs
In mongo 3.6 and above
{$lookup : {
from : "jobs",
let : {"personId" : "$id"},
pipeline : [
{$match : {"$expr" : {$in : ["$$personId", "$personList.personId"]}}},
{$addFields : {personList : {$filter : {input : "$personList", as : "p", cond : {$eq : ["$$personId", "$$p.personId"]}}}}}
as : "jobs"