So, I wrote two classes for a practice project I'm working on, and there's something I've been thinking about for a while now.
Here are the classes:
Public Class Card
Dim Suit As String
Dim Name As Object
Dim Value As Byte
Public Function GetSuit()
Return Suit
End Function
Public Function GetName()
Return Name
End Function
Public Function GetValue()
Return Value
End Function
Public Sub SetSuit(ByVal a)
Suit= a
End Sub
Public Sub SetName(ByVal a)
Name= a
End Sub
Public Sub SetValue(ByVal a)
Value= a
End Sub
End Class
And the procedure called by the constructor of the Deck class that populates the deck upon initialization:
Private Sub Populate(ByVal Name As Object, ByVal Suit As String, ByRef Deck As List(Of Karta))
Dim NewCard As Card = New Card
Select Case Name
Case 1
Case 3
Case 11
Case 12
Case 13
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
What I've been wondering is, is there any way for me to make the Setter procedures in the Card class private and have the Population procedure still be able to do it's job?
Having those setter procedures in the Card class kinda defeats the purpose of making the variables themselves private.
You could set the getter/setter methods to Private and allow creation of card objects via a Constructor. This would make the properties "settable" on initialisation from other classes, but not editable once the object has been created. This seems to make sense for a 'card' object, where the value and name of the card is unlikely to change.
Example constructor for the Card class:
Public Sub New(_suit As String, _name As Object, _value as Byte)
Suit = _suit
Name = _name
Value = _value
End Sub