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Is an email address valid that passes validation but bounces?

I use the Zend_Validate_EmailAddress to validate email addresses for my email program. It validates according to the RFC2822 -

My question is are these valid emails when they pass validation?

[email protected]. [email protected]. etc Note the full stop at the end.

I find that the validator passes these email addresses which are obviously wrong. I don't fully understand why this should pass can anyone help me?



  • The email addresses are not "obviously wrong"; a DNS name is allowed to end with a trailing . to indicate that it's absolute rather than relative.

    [EDITED to add: The above may be misleading. In an email address, for SMTP at least, hostnames are always interpreted as fully-qualified -- i.e., "absolute". So there's never a need for a trailing . in the hostname part of an email address. However, the trailing . is still valid hostname syntax.]