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MailChimp API | Python Shell | Get the list of user activity with openDate, clickDate and user email

I am very beginner with Python as well as with Mailchimp API, so I desperately need your advice.

My ambition is to get the campaign report from the MailChimp that will contain the data in the format:

Email ----- email openDate ----- clicked (True/False) ----- clickDate

So far I was able to write the following code:

list_campaigns = client.campaigns.all(get_all=True)

for line in list_campaigns['campaigns']:
	campaign_list_name = line['recipients']['list_name']
	campaign_list_id = line['recipients']['list_id']
	print(campaign_list_id, campaign_list_name)

That provides me with the list of campaign and IDs. However, campaign-based reports are giving me general information on the campaign performance (e.g. number of users opened, number of clicks), and I was unable to get anything on a granular level.

Is it ever possible and if so, what might be the algorithm for the solution?

p.s. here's the library I've used for Python.

Thank you!


  • Assuming you have a list of campaign_ids, the following prints the email addresses followed by a list of user activity which includes open and click timestamps:

    from mailchimp3 import MailChimp
    username = username
    mykey = mykey
    client = MailChimp(mc_api=mykey,mc_user=username)
    for idx in campaign_ids:
        email_activity = client.reports.email_activity.all(campaign_id=idx,get_all=True)
        for email_address in email_activity['emails']: