I am supposed to insert an argument by the form of yyyy""mm""dd, while using " / ", " . " or " - " as seperators. The programm identifies which seperator was used, the other functions are not relevant. However there are way too many if else statements that I am sure can be rewritten or replaced with cleaner code. Any suggestions?
static String[] weekDays = new String[] {
"Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wednes", "Thurs", "Fri", "Satur"
static void setCalendarDate(final Calendar cal, final String date, final String seperator) {
final String[] splitDate = date.split(seperator);
cal.set(parseInt(splitDate[0]), parseInt(splitDate[1]) - 1, parseInt(splitDate[2]));
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (args.length != 0) {
if (args[0].contains("-")) {
setCalendarDate(cal, args[0], "-");
} else if (args[0].contains("/")) {
setCalendarDate(cal, args[0], "/");
} else if (args[0].contains(".")) {
setCalendarDate(cal, args[0],".");
final int weekDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
System.out.printf("%sday\n", weekDays[weekDay - 1]);
Personally I would store an array of valid separators like so:
static final String[] validSeparators = new String[] {"-","/","."};
You can move the separator check to the setCalendarDate
method itself, checking if the string contains any of the appropriate characters. Then I would refactor the method to throw an exception on invalid separators, and remove the separator argument.
static void setCalendarDate(final Calendar cal, final String date) throws ParseException{
String separator = null;
for(String s : validSeparators) {
if(date.contains(s)) {
separator = s;
if(separator == null) {
throw new ParseException("No valid separator found", 0);
final String[] splitDate = date.split(separator);
cal.set(Integer.parseInt(splitDate[0]), Integer.parseInt(splitDate[1]) - 1, Integer.parseInt(splitDate[2]));
Another option would be to check a specific character of the date string:
static void setCalendarDate(final Calendar cal, final String date) throws ParseException{
String separator = String.valueOf(date.charAt(4));
if(Arrays.asList(validSeparators).contains(separator)) {
final String[] splitDate = date.split(separator);
cal.set(Integer.parseInt(splitDate[0]), Integer.parseInt(splitDate[1]) - 1, Integer.parseInt(splitDate[2]));
} else {
throw new ParseException("Valid separator not found", 0);
If you wanted extra safety you could also check the 7th character and compare them before the split.
Finally, your main would now look like this:
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (args.length != 0) {
try {
setCalendarDate(cal, args[0]);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
final int weekDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
System.out.printf("%sday\n", weekDays[weekDay - 1]);