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Volatile fields in C#

From the specification 10.5.3 Volatile fields:

The type of a volatile field must be one of the following:

  • A reference-type.

  • The type byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, char, float, bool, System.IntPtr, or System.UIntPtr.

  • An enum-type having an enum base type of byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, or uint.

First I want to confirm my understanding is correct: I guess the above types can be volatile because they are stored as a 4-bytes unit in memory(for reference types because of its address), which guarantees the read/write operation is atomic. A double/long/etc type can't be volatile because they are not atomic reading/writing since they are more than 4 bytes in memory. Is my understanding correct?

And the second, if the first guess is correct, why a user defined struct with only one int field in it(or something similar, 4 bytes is ok) can't be volatile? Theoretically it's atomic right? Or it's not allowed simply because that all user defined structs(which is possibly more than 4 bytes) are not allowed to volatile by design?


  • So, I suppose you propose the following point to be added:

    • A value type consisting only of one field which can be legally marked volatile.

    First, fields are usually private, so in external code, nothing should depend on a presence of a certain field. Even though the compiler has no issue accessing private fields, it is not such a good idea to restrict a certain feature based on something the programmer has no proper means to affect or inspect.

    Since a field is usually a part of the internal implementation of a type, it can be changed at any time in a referenced assembly, but this could make a piece of C# code that used the type illegal.

    This theoretical and practical reason means that the only feasible way would be to introduce a volatile modifier for value types that would ensure that point specified above holds. However, since the only group of types that would benefit from this modifier are value types with a single field, this feature probably wasn't very high on the list.