How do I add a manual legend with labels for each of the following lines:
lty=1, lwd=2, color='black', label='Litigating'
lty=2, lwd=2, color='black', label='Non-litigating'
lty=1, lwd=1, color='gray', label='Reference'
Here is an ugly mockup to convey the idea. The exact position of the labels is not important. I just want one icon for each line.
Here is one approach I tried to make this, but the legend is exploded by feature, yielding six icons instead of three:
# Make a data.frame with 10 points and the aesthetics associated wit each
D_legend = data.frame(
x = 1:10,
y = rnorm(10),
lwd = factor(c(2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1)),
lty = factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1)),
color=c(rep('black', 6), rep('gray', 4))
# Plot it. I want a nice legend here!
ggplot(D_legend, aes(x=x, y=y, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, color=color)) +
geom_line() +
Let's simply create an interaction variable that determines the kind of line:
D_legend$type <- droplevels(with(D_legend, interaction(lty, lwd, color)))
# Giving better names
levels(D_legend$type) <- c("Litigating", "Non-litigating", "Reference")
Now we may deal with each of the three aesthetics separately:
ggplot(D_legend, aes(x = x, y = y, lty = type, lwd = type, color = type)) +
geom_line() + theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "cm")) +
values = c("Litigating" = 1, "Non-litigating" = 2, "Reference" = 1)
) +
values = c("Litigating" = 2, "Non-litigating" = 2, "Reference" = 1)
) +
values = c("Litigating" = "black", "Non-litigating" = "black", "Reference" = "gray")
I increased legend.key.width
as otherwise it wasn't visible that the second line type is dashed. If you want the legend to have a name, then replace type
by it and in this way you can also drop all the NULL