I am trying to create a simple ggplot with 3 geom_line
s to show normal, 5 and 10 year moving averages. My dataframe is temp
with column being AverageTemperature
. However I cannot understand the following errors:
Error: Columns 'y', 'colour' must be 1d atomic vectors or lists
Error: 'mapping' must be created by 'aes()'
I have no column called y or colour and all my mapping. Other answers do not seem to explain the reason behind the errors. My code is as follows:
ma <- ma(temp$AverageTemperature, order = 5)
ma2 <- ma(temp$AverageTemperature, order = 10)
ggplot(temp, x= dt) +
geom_line(temp, aes(y = AverageTemperature, size = 1.5)) + scale_y_log10() + xlim(1870, 2000) +
geom_line(temp, aes(y = ma, color = ma, size = 1.5)) +
geom_line(temp, aes(y = ma2, color = ma, size = 1.5)) `
My required result would look like the following graph:
Sample data using dput
structure(list(dt = c(1743L, 1744L, 1745L, 1750L, 1751L, 1752L ), AverageTemperatureUncertainty = c(3.1304125, 3.0976671875, 3.00175, 3.13747272727273, 3.09229285714285, 3.06561458333333 )), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
Could someone explain what the errors are please?
Many Thanks.
The errors you're getting are mostly due to what is inside and outside the aes
brackets. These should contain all and only the values that vary for each data point:
Columns 'y', 'colour'
refers to your y = ma
and y = ma2
parts (and color =
bits that follow). In your calls above it is looking inside the dataframe temp
as defined in the first ggplot
bracket and is unable to find these variables.geom_line
call take this out of the aes()
bracket and set it as a constant colour.size = 1.5
is also constant across variables in each geom_line
call, so should be outside of aes()
.'mapping' must be created by 'aes()'
refers probably to both your x = dt
part in the ggplot
bracket (this should be in an aes()
bracket as well), and the call of temp
in each subsequent geom_line
bracket.It would be easier and tidier to calculate the moving averages and combine these into the original dataframe:
ma <- function(x,order=5){stats::filter(x,rep(1/order,order), sides=2)}
temp<-tibble(AverageTemperature=rnorm(131, 10, 3), dt=seq(1870,2000))
ma1 <- ma(temp$AverageTemperature, order = 5)
ma2 <- ma(temp$AverageTemperature, order = 10)
temp$ma1 <- ma1
temp$ma2 <- ma2
ggplot(temp, aes(x = dt)) +
geom_line(aes(y = AverageTemperature), color="orange", size = 1.5) + scale_y_log10() + xlim(1870, 2000) +
geom_line(aes(y = ma1), color = "red", size = 1.5) +
geom_line(aes(y = ma2), color = "blue", size = 1.5)
Giving the graph (from randomly generated values):
(I've created ma
as a new function)
Does this help? You'll need to play around with colours etc. to suit.
Edit: actually seeing Nelson's code above which is handier for putting in the legend. Instead of the last ggplot
command in my code above you could instead do:
temp %>% gather("id","value",c(1,3,4)) %>%
geom_line(size=1.5)+scale_y_log10() +
xlim(1870, 2000)