I am appending the results from my object detection model (latestObservation ) to a list (listofObservation), which works fine, but I would like to add a conditions such that the latest observation is added only if it is different from the previous 3 observations.
When comparing the latest result with previous observations I have a problem to access the variable.
This is my code:
var latestObservation = (topIdentifier: String(), topConfidence: Float(), scndIdentifier: String(), scndConfidence: Float())
var listofObservation:[(topIdentifier: String, topConfidence: Float, scndIdentifier: String, scndConfidence: Float)] = []
var LastTopIdentifierCounter = 0
// ... and the part of the func drawVisionRequestResults that is relevant here follows:
for observation in results where observation is VNRecognizedObjectObservation {
guard let objectObservation = observation as? VNRecognizedObjectObservation else {
// Select only the label with the highest confidence and the second highest confidence:
let topLabelObservation = objectObservation.labels[0]
let secondLabelObservation = objectObservation.labels[1]
latestObservation = (topIdentifier: topLabelObservation.identifier, topConfidence: topLabelObservation.confidence, scndIdentifier: secondLabelObservation.identifier, scndConfidence: secondLabelObservation.confidence)
let OFL = listofObservation.count
if (listofObservation.topIdentifier(OFL)) == latestObservation.topIdentifier
&& latestObservation.topidentifier == listofObservation.topIdentifier[OFL-1]
&& latestObservation.topidentifier == listofObservation.topIdentifier[OFL-2]
LastTopIdentifierCounter += (1)
else {
LastTopIdentifierCounter = 0
the print shows the following content of the variables (in case I make the append unconditional):
(topIdentifier: "6.no_phase", topConfidence: 0.87878287, scndIdentifier: "4.Faden_abnehmen", scndConfidence: 0.06840562)
[(topIdentifier: "6.no_phase", topConfidence: 0.87878287, scndIdentifier: "4.Faden_abnehmen", scndConfidence: 0.06840562), (topIdentifier: "6.no_phase", topConfidence: 0.7264241, scndIdentifier: "4.Faden_abnehmen", scndConfidence: 0.22894023), (topIdentifier: "6.no_phase", topConfidence: 0.92339694, scndIdentifier: "4.Faden_abnehmen", scndConfidence: 0.058480877)]
on the code line:
if (listofObservation.topIdentifier(OFL)) == latestObservation.topIdentifier
I do get the following message: Value of type '[(topIdentifier: String, topConfidence: Float, scndIdentifier: String, scndConfidence: Float)]' has no member 'topIdentifier'
I am very new to swift and thus have to apologize since this is probably a quite naive question... I have struggled now for 2 days with this and cannot find the right hint anywhere on how to solve this. Any comment is highly appreciated. Many thanks!
Your listofObservation
is an array of tuples, so you need to specify index of certain tuple to get certain tuple and then its property
array[index] -> element
^ Int ^ certain tuple
if listofObservation[OFL].topIdentifier == latestObservation.topIdentifier
&& listofObservation[OFL-1].topIdentifier == latestObservation.topidentifier
&& listofObservation[OFL-2].topIdentifier == latestObservation.topidentifier {...}
Or in Swift 4.2+ you can use allSatisfy
if listofObservation[OFL-2...OFL].allSatisfy { $0.topIdentifier == latestObservation.topIdentifier } {...}