I am trying to fully understand the computation of the cross entropy in TensorFlow. In the following piece of code, with numpy I generate double precision random double data x
, transform it to logits
for binary classification (i.e., only one logit per data point), map it through sigmoid in sig
, compute the cross entropy ce
and then the mean cross entropy mce
. The analogous computations in TensorFlow are further below. My question is:
Why do I get a discrepancy between my mean cross entropy mce
(computed with double precision in numpy) and the TensorFlow tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy
I dont know, where I forgot to specify for TensorFlow to compute with double precision. Furthermore, if I use tf.nn.reduce_mean
, see computation of mcetf2
, on the computed cross entropy per data point, then I get my numpy result. Where does the discrepancy come from? Thank you!
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# Number of data pionts nx and dimension dx
nx = 10
dx = 4
# Input data
x = np.random.rand(nx,dx)
#%% Numpy
# Transform to logits for binary classification with sigmoid
matrix = np.random.rand(dx,1)
logits = np.matmul(x,matrix)
print('Logits dimensions: %s' % str(logits.shape))
# Sigmoid
def sigmoid(x):
return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x))
sig = sigmoid(logits)
print('Sigmoid dimensions: %s' % str(sig.shape))
# Discrete probabilities
p = np.random.randint(2,size=nx)[:,np.newaxis]
print('Probability dimensions: %s'% str(p.shape))
# Cross entropy for each data point
ce = p*np.log(1/sig)+(1-p)*np.log(1/(1-sig))
# Mean cross entropy
mce = np.mean(ce)
print('MCE with np: %.16f' % mce)
#%% Tensorflow
xp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64,shape=[None,dx])
pp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64,shape=[None,1])
model = xp
c1 = tf.constant(matrix,dtype=tf.float64)
model = tf.matmul(xp,c1)
sigtf = tf.nn.sigmoid(model)
cetf = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=pp,logits=model)
mcetf = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(pp,model)
mcetf2 = tf.reduce_mean(cetf)
sess = tf.Session()
feed = {xp:x,pp:p}
print('Error in logits: %.16f' % np.max(np.abs(sess.run(model,feed)-logits)))
print('Error in sigmoid: %.16f' % np.max(np.abs(sess.run(sigtf,feed)-sig)))
print('Error in CE: %.16f' % np.max(np.abs(sess.run(cetf,feed)-ce)))
print('Error in MCE: %.16f' % np.abs(sess.run(mcetf,feed)-mce))
print('Error in MCE2: %.16f' % np.abs(sess.run(mcetf2,feed)-mce))
Logits dimensions: (10, 1)
Sigmoid dimensions: (10, 1)
Probability dimensions: (10, 1)
MCE with np: 0.7413128316195762
Error in logits: 0.0000000000000000
Error in sigmoid: 0.0000000000000000
Error in CE: 0.0000000000000009
Error in MCE: 0.0000000297816550
Error in MCE2: 0.0000000000000001
the use of (32bit) float
s would appear to be hard coded in the compute_weighted_loss()
function used by sigmoid_cross_entropy
in Tensorflow
as a minor point your numpy code for calculating ce
isn't very numerically stable — but it won't be affecting anything here. I'd implement it as:
ce = p * -np.log(sig) + (1-p) * -np.log1p(-sig)
the use of log1p
is the main change. your use of 1 - sig
will lose all precision as sig
approaches zero