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ClaimCenter Web PCF files UI Labels

I’m trying to automate building of a mapping document between claimcenter gui through to dB. I’ve made some success in this space using the data dictionary however I’ve become a bit stumped when it gets to getting labels for the UI fields

I’ve been looking at the web pcf files and I can see where labels are mentioned for UI fields, for example

label="DisplayKey.get(" VehicleIncident.Audatex.AudatexLV.AudatexReference ")"

I assume this is making a call someplace to get the description and populate it?

Would anyone know where this might be and perhaps where I should look to next?


  • In properly configured guidewire studio, those should be properly resolved on CRTL+left mouse button on the label in the DisplayKey.get function call.

    If they are not then it is resolving them to


    If your locale is different then en_US might be something else.