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How is UI Evaluated?

I am new to software engineering and also I like to learn whatever new. I must be very thankful if someone help me to provide further information about How is a UI evaluated?.

Any help regarding to this matter is highly appreciated.


  • In common, evaluation of User Interface can be based on three common elements

    • Functionality • Aesthetics • Performance


    1. Is the application usable?
    2. Does it enable users to complete tasks?


    1. Style
    2. How it influencing the users
    3. How shown and presented?
    4. How colors complement each other?
    5. How UI elements convey their meaning?


    1. Measured not only by speed, but also reliability.
    2. Reliability (Even though an application looks good and feels great, crashes repeatedly, it likely won’t be very successful)
    3. Should provide a user with full confidence.