I'm still figuring out how bazaar's revision numbering works. The workflow our team uses is basically:
bzr branch lp:project/trunk
# code,code,code
bzr commit ...
# code,code,code
bzr commit ...
bzr merge
# resolve, resolve, resolve
bzr push lp:project/trunk
I'd prefer it if the trunk revision numbering was stable and increased monotonically with each push. However, as I understand it, whoever does bzr merge; bzr push lp:project/trunk
ends up renumbering the revision history of the trunk to whatever their local branch revision numbering was. This makes things very confusing for the team, because "trunk, revision 705" may change over time.
We could use global ids, but it's a little awkward to work with a long string like foo@example.com-20110224160420-nnob0vg2vdk0yjow
Is there any way to arrange our workflow so that the trunk revision numbering scheme is stable and increases monotonically?
On the trunk on your central server, edit
or ~/.bazaar/locations.conf
or ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf
add append_revisions_only=True
This branch's existing revision order will not change any more.
Edit: For launchpad you can try the following as John Arbash Meinel said:
At the moment, the only way to get a branch with that option is during "bzr init".
bzr init --append-revisions-only
So you could:
1) have launchpad delete the existing branch
2) bzr init --append-revisions-only lp:...
3) bzr push lp:...
Not exactly optimal.
The other way to do it is to use sftp and do:
sftp bazaar.launchpad.net
cd ~user/project/branch/.bzr/branch get branch.conf
Then outside of sftp, edit the file to add append_revisions_only = True
put branch.conf