How to create, in code behind (with no XAML), a custom MessageBox (Dialog Boxes) in WPF C#? I googled it and seems not to find a solution. I would want to have a MessageBox with Images and other Controls add to it.
You may use this solution:
string messageBoxText = "Do you want to save changes?";
string caption = "Your caption";
MessageBoxButton button = MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel;
MessageBoxImage icon = MessageBoxImage.Warning;
MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);
look over this article, you my recode all Xaml into pure c# in Custom Dialog Boxes paragraph if you want.
or you may create your own Window and use MyWindow.ShowDialog()
Like in this code:
Window wnd = new Window();
Grid grid = new Grid();
wnd.Height = 200;
wnd.Width = 150;
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {Height = new GridLength(100) });
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {Height = GridLength.Auto });
wnd.Content = grid;
Image img = new Image();
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Content = "OK";
btn.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
Grid.SetRow(img, 0);
Grid.SetRow(btn, 1);
wnd.Owner = MyMainWindow;