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DLQ on Failed Task in Step Function

In case of Failed Task in step function, after trying with retry strategy, is there a way I can put these Failed tasks in some DLQ or something like that so that someone can monitor these messages later and redrive them after fixing the issue?


  • Yes you can catch the error after retry and send it to SQS. Here is an example.

       "StartAt": "GetMyRecords",
       "States": {
          "GetMyRecords": {
             "Type": "Task",
             "Resource": "<resource arn>",
             "TimeoutSeconds": 80,
             "Retry": [
                   "ErrorEquals": [
                   "IntervalSeconds": 300,
                   "MaxAttempts": 10,
                   "BackoffRate": 1.1
             "Catch": [
                   "ErrorEquals": [
                   "Next": "SendToSQS",
                   "ResultPath": "$.error"
             "End": true
          "SendToSQS": {
             "Type": "Task",
             "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage",
             "Parameters": {
                "QueueUrl": "",
                "MessageBody.$": "$.input.message",
                "MessageAttributes": {
                   "MyAttribute1": {
                      "DataType": "String",
                      "StringValue": "Value of attribute 1"
                   "MyAttribute1": {
                      "DataType": "String",
                      "StringValue": "Value of attribute 2"
             "End": true