I'm trying to create a Folium map for internal marketing purposes for my company. The map loads fine the way it is. However, when I want a certain column to display in the popup text the map fails to load. Here's what the code looks like:
#read csv and create dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(sheet_url, delimiter=",", header=0, encoding='latin-1', engine='python')
#turn dataframe from dict into a list
csv = [list(x) for x in df.values]
#organize data into array
locations = []
for location in csv:
coords = [location[0], location[1]]
locations.append({'company' : location[2], 'country' : location[3], 'products' : location[3], 'potential' : location[4], 'method' : location[13], 'note' : location[14], 'hover': f"{location[3]}<br>{location[2]}", 'click': f"<a href={location[9]}>Website</a><br>{location[13]}<br>{location[14]}", 'coordinates' : coords})
print("failed because of some error")
The problem occurs when I try to add location[14] to the popup, but it does not throw an error here. Nor does it throw an error with the iteration to add the markers to the map:
for x in locations:
if x['potential'] == "Current Customer":
folium.Marker(location = (x['coordinates']), popup = x['click'], tooltip = x['hover'], icon=folium.Icon(color='green')).add_to(current_cluster)
folium.Marker(location = (x['coordinates']), popup = x['click'], tooltip = x['hover'], icon=folium.Icon(color='red')).add_to(potential_cluster)
The column labeled 'note' is the one I'm having problems with.
I've tried so far:
' '.join(map(str, location[14]))
, while looping through the csv. The map loads, the text is in the popup, but separated by spaces (L i k e t h i s
to anything else, but it creates a parser error. There are a lot of different characters used in each row, but I'm not sure the delimiter is the issue.Uncaught SyntaxError: Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings.
I think the issue is occurring when I'm adding the markers to the map? But there are no errors thrown, just the map won't load if I include the 'notes' into the popup. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
It's likely due to a special character in the string. I have two ideas:
Can you share the exact value in location[14].note
? That would definitely help debugging this. Furthermore, use the developer tools of your browser to see the error message in your console.