I have a model called Profile with 2 members posPoints
and negPoints
. I'm trying to display the points for the current user on a VC called MyProfileViewController
. When I type profiles.posPoints
however, Xcode doesn't recognize it and gives me this error
Value of type '[Profile]' has no member 'posPoints'
static func show(for user: User = User.current, completion: @escaping (Profile?) -> Void) {
let profileRef = Database.database().reference().child("profile").child(user.username)
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("profile").child(user.username).child(profileRef.key ?? "")
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let profile = Profile(snapshot: snapshot) else {
return completion(nil)
import Foundation
import FirebaseDatabase.FIRDataSnapshot
class Profile {
// MARK - Properties
var key: String?
let posPoints: Int
let negPoints: Int
init?(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
guard !snapshot.key.isEmpty else {return nil}
if let dict = snapshot.value as? [String : Any]{
let posPoints = dict["posPoints"] as? Int
let negPoints = dict["negPoints"] as? Int
self.key = snapshot.key
self.posPoints = posPoints ?? 0
self.negPoints = negPoints ?? 0
return nil
(In viewDidLoad of MyProfileViewController)
ProfileService.show { [weak self] (profiles) in
self?.profiles = profiles
myPointsLabel.text = profiles.posPoints
Firebase Database View
You have following issues with your code in viewDidLoad
1- Update myPointsLabel
inside the completionHandler
where fetching profiles
is done.
2- UI updates should be done on the Main thread.
3- First, extract the desired profile
from the array
of profiles
, then access points and convert it to String
Your code should look like this,
var profile: Profile?
override func viewDidLoad() {
ProfileService.show { [weak self] (profile) in
self?.profile = profile
if let points = profile?.posPoints {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.myPointsLabel.text = String(points)