I'm moving to another Scene and sending parameters, but when I print the param (I use log.console({param: value}), I get an 'undefined'. Here is the code
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.addToOrderButton}
onPress={() => Actions.addToOrder({description: 'description', price: 'price'})}>
<View style={{ flex: 1,justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{color: '#FFF', fontSize: 12}}>Add to order</Text>
The Router.js is
<Drawer key="orders" contentComponent={DrawerMenu}>
<Scene key="drawerMain" component={OrderMenu} title="Menu" initial />
<Scene key="addToOrder" component={AddToOrder} title="Add to Order" />
Anybody what is the problem? Best regards!
The problem is that I'm using redux. That's why doen't work