So guys i'am trying to make a dictionary app. I want it to be case-insensitive. Firstly i saw some solutions for this promblem but non of them suited with me. Let me explain it with an example: Let's say i have the word School
my code works fine when i search it like School
but it doesn't work when i search it like school
i really didn't get this solution
key_to_search = input() #not raw_input() since its python 3
with open("fileOfWords.txt") as enter:
for line in enter:
if line.startswith("%s" % key_to_search):
print(key_to_search + " is in the dictionary")
I want School
to be equal to school
and scHool
and schooL
. But in my case School
is just equaled to School
If you want to be case-insensitive, you can just convert the input and line into lowercase and compare them.
key_to_search = input() #not raw_input() since its python 3
with open("fileOfWords.txt") as enter:
for line in enter:
if line.lower().startswith(key_to_search.lower()):
print(key_to_search + " is in the dictionary")