I'm using Gutenberg block filters to try and add a dynamic class name to the block’s wrapper component in the editor.
registerBlockType( name, {
title: __( 'My Block' ),
parent: [ 'myplugin/myblock' ],
category: 'common',
attributes: attributes,
edit( { attributes, setAttributes, className } ) {
const { someName } = attributes;
/* how can I pass someName from here to customClassName? */
return (
/* render something */
save( { attributes } ) {
const { someName } = attributes;
/* how can I pass someName from here to customClassName? */
return (
/* render something */
const customClassName = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockListBlock ) => {
return ( props ) => {
return <BlockListBlock { ...props } className={ someName } />;
}, 'customClassName' );
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'editor.BlockListBlock', 'myplugin/myblock', customClassName );
The issue: someName
in constant customClassName
is undefined.
How can I pass someName
from the edit or save function to the constant customClassName
? Which will be used in wp.hooks.addFilter
Note: I can't add wp.hooks.addFilter
or customClassName
directly in the edit or save function. It will cause repeating.
If someName is an attribute, you can access it as