I'm doing the settings activity for my app via code since the xml editor wont find any preferences but PreferenceScreen. Via code everything is working but I can not find the RingtonePreferences
from Androidx
, the only one I find is the one from android.preference.RingtonePreference
I have this implementation.
implementation "androidx.preference:preference:1.1.0-alpha02"
has not been added yet? or there is another preference under another name I can use in order to let users choose a notification sound. Thanks!
RingtonePreference has not been added yet?
Google has stated that their libraries will not support RingtonePreference
or there is another preference under another name I can use in order to let users choose a notification sound
Use a ListPreference
. Or use this workaround. Or create a custom Preference
that integrates with the ringtone APIs.