I have a collectionviewcell with a button and a label like this:
The button is a 100x100 square, the label is a 100x40 rectangle. The cell is adjusted to 120x140.
So the constraints I have added are:
I see constrain errors everywhere.
I have tried to embed these two views on a stack. It craps everything.
Then I have tried to embed the stack into a view, same problem.
This defies any logic.
Can you guys tell me how in the name of heaven I constrain these elements? All I want is both elements centered horizontally, the button on top, the label on the bottom, both with the same width of 100, the button squared and the label with a hight of 40. Both in a cell of 120x140.
This is how you should set your constraints using a stack view in a cell to accomplish what you need: (cell width = 120, height = 140)