I am building a recurrent neural network with deeplearning4j and I need to create the training and test data sets.
All the examples provided in the documentation and the example code, use a CSVSequenceRecordReader
to read CSV files.
Then a DataSetIterator
is created with the SequenceRecordReaderDataSetIterator
constructor and fed into the MultiLayerNetwork.fit()
or the MultiLayerNetwork.evaluate()
method (depending if it's a training or test data set iterator).
However, in my case, the data set I have is not stored in a CSV file. I access it online through a third-party library, pre-process it to obtain a List<Data>
and a List<Labels>
How can I:
1) create the DataSetIterator
from my two lists?
2) split the DataSetIterator
in a training set and a test set?
I think my question is too broad. Let me try to narrow it down.
I have started to read this article which uses a very simple approach to create a data set:
It creates two INDArrays and builds a DataSet from them using the DataSet(INDArray first, INDArray second)
Training the data works using network.fit(dataSet);
, but I can't evaluate it while training, as the method evaluate
requires an data set iterator, not a data set.
Moreover, from what I understand, using this approach also means that there is only one huge data set, no mini batches.
I also guess that I could create mini batches from this big data set by using the batchBy(int num)
method. But this method returns a list of data sets, and not an data set iterator... iterateWithMiniBatches() does return a data set iterator but when I looked at the source file, it returns null and is deprecated. Then I tried to see if there is an implementation of the DataSetIterator I could use, but there are a lot of them. I tried the BaseDataSetIterator but it does not take a DataSet as constructor parameter but a DataSetFetcher... Yet another layer.
Is there somewhere an example that shows how to create a data set without using the default record readers? Or should I just create my how implementation of a record reader?
accepts ListDataSetIterator
as a parameter
If you have a List<Data> object
you can first map it into a double[] featureVector
and a double[] labelVector
and then create a ListDataSetIterator
like this
INDArray x = Nd4j.create(featureVector, new int[]{featureVector.length/numberOfFeatures, numberOfFeatures}, 'c');
INDArray y = Nd4j.create(labelVector, new int[]{labelVector.length/numberOfLabels, numberOfLabels}, 'c');
final DataSet allData = new DataSet(x,y);
final List<DataSet> list = allData.asList();
ListDataSetIterator iterator = new ListDataSetIterator(list);
For 2) you should just create two seperate iterators, one for training, one for testing.
You can then evaluate your net with net.evaluate(testIterator);