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how to update database field every year

I have a database which contains 2 fields called DateOfBirth and Age, for storing users DOB and age respectively. I want the Age column to be automatically incremented by 1 every year, according to the DOB matching server date.

What could be the best way for achieving this? I am using and sql server 2008.


  • Rather than store both the DateOfBirth and Age, create a computed column on the table that calculates the age:

    [Age] AS datediff(year,  DateOfBirth, getdate()) 

    So in yout table creation:

    -- Create Table with computed column
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CCtest]
        [id] [int] not NULL,
        [DateOfBirth] [datetime] NULL,
        -- etc...
        [Age] AS datediff(year,  DateOfBirth, getdate()) 

    If you want to persist the computed value add the PERSISTED keyword.

    One possibility, if you want Age displayed in years and months:

        [AgeInDays] AS datediff(day,  DateOfBirth, getdate()) 

    then create a view over your table that formats AgeInDays into years and months.

    Here is another possibility, using a computed column of [AgeYears]:

    create view vwCCtestAge
       cast([AgeYears] as varchar(4)) + ' years ' + 
          cast(datediff(month, DateOfBirth, getdate()) 
               - case when (AgeYears > 0) then (AgeYears - 1)*12 
                      else 0 
                 end as varchar(4)) + ' months' as Age
       from cctest2

    [You should check for boundary cases...]