Below is the example I want to execute a scenario in another scenario.
How can I do this?
I've already known that I execute the other steps by using execute_steps()
My environment: macOS v10.14.1, Docker v18.06.1-ce, Django v2.1.4, behave v1.2.6, behave-django v1.1.0
Scenario: scenarioA
Given ~
When ~
Then ~
Scenario: scenarioB
Given scenarioA is completed # I want to exexute scenarioA here.
When ~
Then ~
Is there an api to run the scenario from the name of the scenario?
Is there an api that gets scenarios from scenario names and divides them into steps?
No. This behavior is done deliberately, to eliminate collisions in cases where scenarioA falls during a call by scenarioB.
Behave API has only one method to call another step from current step: execute_steps()
Official tutorial with exactly example: macro step