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Routing url with

I'm new to I want to create a web sercive using I crated a project using this tutorial.

I have these class :

public class QRCodeItem
    public Byte Version { get; set; }        
    public int PrintPPI { get; set; }
    public int CellSize { get; set; }

public class QRCodeController : ControllerBase
    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<QRCodeItem>>> CreateCode(Byte Version = 1, int PrintPPI = 300, int CellSize = 5)
        return await _context.QRCodeItems.ToListAsync();

    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<QRCodeItem>>> GetQRCodeItems()
        return await _context.QRCodeItems.ToListAsync();

I try to acces to CreateCode with this url :


But I'm unable to call the method. How can I call CreateCode using this url ? I can change the method, but not the url.

The url is working with :


Method GetQRCodeItems is called.


  • To use the current code

    [Route("api/QRCode")] is the base route for all actions in the controller.

    The value in the Route attribute of a method is joined on to the base route of the controller.

    So for [Route("CreateCode/{Version}/{PrintPPI}/{CellSize}")] (note the removal of the leading slash character) the full route is:



    Changing the code to match the URL

    Just drop your route down to: [Route("CreateCode")]

    This works because the actual url route ends at .../CreateCode without the query string. The parameters after the ? will be picked up from the query string.


    Microsoft Docs - Combining routes on how to properly combine routes

    Route templates applied to an action that begin with a / don't get combined with route templates applied to the controller. This example matches a set of URL paths similar to the default route

    public class HomeController : Controller
        [Route("")]      // Combines to define the route template "Home"
        [Route("Index")] // Combines to define the route template "Home/Index"
        [Route("/")]     // Doesn't combine, defines the route template ""
        public IActionResult Index()
            ViewData["Message"] = "Home index";
            var url = Url.Action("Index", "Home");
            ViewData["Message"] = "Home index" + "var url = Url.Action; =  " + url;
            return View();
        [Route("About")] // Combines to define the route template "Home/About"
        public IActionResult About()
            return View();