I am trying to using Sphinx Stop words functionality for 2 languages having one index.
I am trying 2 add stopwords files like this
stopwords = /var/data/stopwords-en.txt /var/data/stopwords-ru.txt
By using Above pattern the stopwords for english works well but for non english language it blocks the overall search results and show 0 results.
stopwords = /var/data/stopwords-en.txt
stopwords = /var/data/stopwords-ru.txt
By using this the stopword functionality is not working
Looking forward for a solution for stopwords for both languages
i got the issue: See this line:
$q = '"' . $cl->EscapeString($_REQUEST['input']) . '"/1 @language en';
The @language parameter fetches extra results. If it removed this then stop words works perfectly. But I must need this parameter to filter results according to language.