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Bootstrap Datepicker Year Only Not Binding

In my MVC project I have a nullable Datetime property in my model named ReplacementDate.

In my view I have a Bootstrap date picker (version 2.0) that is initialised using the following code:

            format: "yyyy",
            viewMode: "years",
            minViewMode: "years",
            keyboardNavigation: false,
            forceParse: false,
            autoclose: true,
            showOnFocus: false

The datepicker renders correctly on screen and I can only select a year value from the calendar. But when I post the form data the ReplacementDate property does not have a value. I have tried setting the format to " yyyy" and "yyyy" and even "YYYY" but nothing seems to allow the binding to happen.

The weird this is I have another datepicker on the same page that allows the user to select a month and year and it binds correctly on submission to a different nullable date property. The code for this is as follows:

            format: "mm/yyyy",
            viewMode: "months",
            minViewMode: "months",
            keyboardNavigation: false,
            forceParse: false,
            autoclose: true,
            showOnFocus: false

What am I doing wrong to stop the ReplacementDate value from binding correctly? Do I have to make the ReplacementDate a nullable int or something?


  • I changed the ReplacementDate DateTime property to an int and it binded. I don't know why it wouldn't bind when it was a DateTime saying as the MM/yyyy version binded fine as a DateTime.