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Add loyalty card to Google Pay via Google Play Services API

I have problem with adding loyalty card to google pay app using google play services api. I have got account verficication after google pay request, but I'm receiving 400 in logs.

Can't find what's wrong...

Code below has been written following this guides:

Attached code (Take a look on comments, it's important)

// is 9999999
val userId : String = usr.idUser.toString()
// value is "John Snow"
val fullname : String = usr.fullname
// ISSUER_ID - is numeric value from console

val wob = LoyaltyWalletObject.newBuilder()
//    the class id has similar name. All characters has been replaced with 'x' character
//    similar to comment from method setClassId
//   id of user in app
//   name of user in app
//    from console - "Issuer" = Loyalty
//    from console - "Program Name" = Loyalty card
    .setProgramName("Loyalty card")
//    barcode type from docs  
//   card 16 digits card number
//   formatter card number
    .setBarcodeAlternateText("1234 5678 9012 3456")
//   url on web resources

val request = CreateWalletObjectsRequest.newBuilder()

val opts = Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder()

val client = Wallet.getWalletObjectsClient(activity, opts)
val task = client.createWalletObjects(request)

The log:

E: [13290] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 400 for
E: Exception sending Volley request
    at (040408-219897028):4)
    at (040408-219897028):1)
    at atew.a( (040408-219897028):29)
    at atew.a( (040408-219897028):25)
    at atyd.a( (040408-219897028):8)
    at atxx.a( (040408-219897028):16)
    at atof.a( (040408-219897028):4)
    at atxw.a( (040408-219897028):4)
    at atyg.a( (040408-219897028):2)
    at atxq.a(Unknown Source:2)
    at atxu.a(Unknown Source:19)
    at xrb.a( (040408-219897028):3)
    at cpb.onTransact( (040408-219897028):4)
    at atxq.onTransact( (040408-219897028):1)
    at android.os.Binder.transact(
    at dry.onTransact( (040408-219897028):3)
    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
 Caused by:
    at (040408-219897028):49)
    at qni.performRequest( (040408-219897028):13)
    at (040408-219897028):6)
    at (040408-219897028):2)
E: Unknown ServerResponse type=1

Github issue: (sample code, developer Guide for passes APIs not yet updated by Google passes API team)


  • Your app needs to be whitelisted by the Google Pay team. Yes, is very important, but...

    I sent to Google Pay team my release SHA1 Fingerprint ( After that, when install app directly from apk file, all start work great (when click on "Add To GPay" -> loyalty card add to Google Pay)!

    But continued to not work when upload to Play Market(

    After hard research... )

    Solution: SHA1 Fingerprint need get from "Google Play Console > Release Management > App Signing > App signing certificate"