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HoltWinters Nested Seasons in R

I have a dataset of daily demand over the last 2 years. The data has weekly seasons and nested daily seasons. I converted the data into a time series using ts function with frequency=365. When using HoltWinters method now, he interprets every day as an own season, resulting in non-robust outcomes. How can I tell him to only include 59 seasons (52 weekly and 7 daily seasons)?


  • First of all, weekly seasonality means that a pattern may repeats itself every week. Daily seasonality means that a pattern may repeat itself every day. To allow your model to contain daily seasonality you need a higher frequency time series than daily. I assume that with the '52 weekly and 7 daily seasons' you mean that you want to specify 52 seasonal factors for your annual seasonality and 7 seasonal factors (logically) for your weekly seasonality.

    The frequency specifies the number of observations per cycle (season). With daily data a weekly seasonality is introduced by:

    ts(x, frequency = 7)

    You might want to restrict yourself to use just that. (

    Instead of the ts object, you can use the msts (Multi-Seasonal Time Series) object as follows to specify weekly and annual seasonality.

    msts(x, seasonal.periods = c(7, 365.25))

    Or omit leap day observations and just use 365. You can use bats or tbats:

    y <- msts(x, seasonal.periods=c(7,365.25))
    fit <- tbats(y)
    fc <- forecast(fit)

    You should have a look at

    Hope this helps.